Accessibility Statement

RAZ.DLUGIN & CO. is committed to providing service to all its customers in an equal, respectable, accessible, and professional manner in accordance with the Law of Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities 2013-2013 and the regulations pursuant thereto.

Accessibility Guidelines in Our Offices

Information about building accessibility and access methods to our offices:

The company is located at 132 Menachem Begin Road, Tel Aviv, Floor 27, in the square-shaped tower. The building has it’s own parking. Parking is not not free. For individuals with a disabled parking permit from the Ministry of Transportation, parking is free for up to 5 hours. Accessible parking spaces can be found on floors -1, -2, -3, -4.

Accessibility Adjustments Implemented on the Website

On the website, an accessibility toolbar of the NagishExpress type has been installed. Through this toolbar, you can access it from anywhere on the site via a floating accessibility button in one of the corners of the site. The following actions can be performed through it:

Text customization according to your needs:

These adjustments aim to enhance the website’s accessibility for users with various needs and preferences.

Website Accessibility Statement

Ways of applying for requests and suggestions for improvement regarding accessibility

Despite our efforts to make all parts of the site accessible, it is possible that specific parts will be discovered which unfortunately are not accessible. If you have encountered a problem regarding accessibility on the website, we will be happy to receive comments and requests. We continue our efforts to improve the accessibility of the site.

Details of the accessibility coordinator

Publication of the accessibility statement

The accessibility statement was updated on: 30/01/2024